What’s for Breakfast?

What's for breakfast - a Low FODMAP Breakfast

Low FODMAP Breakfast

Breakfast, in general, is important. It provides the body with the necessary energy and nutrients to start the day. Likewise, when it comes to the low FODMAP diet, breakfast is particularly important. It can help to ensure that you are getting enough fiber and nutrients while avoiding high FODMAP foods that may trigger digestive symptoms.

If you are not familiar, FODMAPs are a group of carbohydrates that can be difficult for some people to digest. See our summary of a FODMAP diet for more informaion.

There are plenty of nutritious low FODMAP breakfast options available.

  • eggs
  • low FODMAP fruits (e.g., strawberries, blueberries)
  • gluten-free breads and cereals
  • lactose-free dairy alternatives
  • nuts and seeds

Eating a balanced low FODMAP breakfast can help you maintain energy levels, support gut health, and manage digestive symptoms throughout the day.

I am currently between the reintroduction and personalization phases. I have successfully re-introduced dairy to my diet when my stress is low. However, I find that high stress lowers my tolerance for a lactose FODMAP breakfast. On any given morning I will usually choose between two options (depending on my stress level).

Yogurt and granola

Yogurt and granola are a popular breakfast combination that offer a number of health benefits. They include:

  1. High in protein: Yogurt is a good source of protein. It can help to keep you feeling full and satisfied throughout the morning.
  2. Good source of probiotics: Yogurt contains beneficial bacteria called probiotics. They can help to support a healthy gut microbiome and improve digestive health.
  3. Provides calcium: Yogurt is a good source of calcium. Calcium is important for strong bones and teeth.
  4. Lowers cholesterol: Granola, which is typically made with oats, nuts, and seeds, can help to lower LDL (“bad”) cholesterol levels.
  5. Rich in fiber: Granola is high in fiber. Fiber can help to promote digestive health and support healthy blood sugar levels.
  6. Provides energy: Both yogurt and granola provide energy to start your day. They are a great breakfast option for those with busy schedules.
  7. Versatile: You can find a variety of yogurts and granolas. There is sure to be a fit for your taste preferences and dietary needs. Many options for dairy-free and gluten-free diets exist.


Oatmeal is a popular breakfast option that offers a number of health benefits. Here are some of the benefits of oatmeal for breakfast:

  1. High in fiber: Oatmeal is a good source of fiber. It can help to promote digestive health, lower cholesterol levels, and support healthy blood sugar levels.
  2. Lowers cholesterol: Oatmeal contains a type of soluble fiber called beta-glucan. This has been shown to help lower LDL (“bad”) cholesterol levels.
  3. Supports weight loss: Because oatmeal is high in fiber, it can help to keep you feeling full and satisfied. This may help to prevent overeating and support weight loss.
  4. Rich in nutrients: Oatmeal is a good source of nutrients such as magnesium, phosphorus, and zinc. These are important for overall health and wellbeing.
  5. Versatile: Oatmeal can be enjoyed in a variety of ways, from sweet to savory, making it a versatile breakfast option.
  6. Can be gluten-free: For those who follow a gluten-free diet, oats can be a safe and nutritious option (as long as they are certified gluten-free).

These are the options that have worked for me. However everyone is different and tolerates differently. As such, trial these and find out for yourself if it meets your situation.



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