Category: Desserts

  • Gluten-Free Cake Donuts Recipe

    Gluten-Free Cake Donuts Recipe

    Oh let the cravings begin… uh isn’t the pregnant one suppose to have the cravings? I have been craving Donuts for a long time, and thanks to my mom giving us her donut pans we have lift off.  We didn’t have all of the ingredients that the original recipe so let the substitutions begin!

  • Gluten Free Cinnamon Rolls

    Gluten Free Cinnamon Rolls

    This year for Christmas my mother-in-law made us a plate of these delicious gluten free cinnamon rolls. She adapted the recipe to be completely allergy free for us! needless to say, they did not last very long.  I had to have the recipe! Here is the adapted recipe, with all of the replacements to make…

  • Ginger Cookies, Gingersnaps

    Ginger Cookies, Gingersnaps

    One thing that I missed (among others) this Christmas was gingersnaps. I can eat an entire batch/box of them in one sitting (and be completely miserable for the rest of the day) ! I got to thinking today, I bet I could make some that would be good and not make me miserable the rest of the…

  • Everything-free Cake

    Everything-free Cake

    This is the recipe for cake that Jess perfected for the little guy’s first birthday. After all, what is a birthday party without a cake?! The ingredients are free of the most common allergens, and still tastes great! To top it off we used a chocolate frosting topped with fondant.

  • Candy List

    Candy List

    New and updated!!! We now have the following list sorted by allergy where you can easily select the allergies to exclude and you’ll get a list of safe candies. Find the new page here. Feel free to visit our allergy free store to purchase any candy you find and want to buy. Ever wonder which…
